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A reminder to connect to your self-center.
No matter what happens you always have your self . The background changes rapidly, symbolize the fast rate of our everyday life.  Colorful bubbles pops and turns , like the endlessness stimulations of our mind. 
The wonderer sits still, remains still and centered. 


Hi I am Irit Yablon, for the past 15 years I've combine multidisciplinary art and computer science projects (after my BSc degree).   The NFT world feels like a natural place for my works.  An exciting combination of art and programming. I believe NFT is the next generation of art.  Technology brought us some new brushes and an infinite interact-able canvas. It enables us to connect our purchases with values and the person behind it. A global distributed social economic system which connects us all.

The wonderer is naked and sitting still. The only things that changes is the environment. In todays world it's all about  the house we live in , the car we bought, the clothes we wear . We almost define our selves by the external. This is a reminder to be your self. As opposed  the Ape and other characters series , Here,  the character creates an expression by its position, stillness and eye movement. The only thing that changes is the environment, emphasizes the need to stay centered. ' Wondering' presents the pure you.  I want to invite you all to connect to yourself .

'Wondering' is written in p5.js WEBGL and GLSL. The wonderer figure is coded, a few backgrounds uses my original paintings as textures.
Coding the thinker, exploring shapes and colors in motion. produced an idea for my next series, which  explores body language , using machine learning , so stay tuned ... 

"Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Already Taken" 
Oscar Wilde

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© Irit Yablon - One Woman Factory

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